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美国波士顿大学Pinghua Liu教授报告

应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,美国波士顿大学 Pinghua LIU 教授来我校进行学术交流,欢迎参加。


报  告 人:Pinghua LIU 教授

报告题目:Novel Transformations in Alkaloid Biosynthesis Catalyzed by Iron-Enzymes




Prof. Pinghua LIU graduated from Nankai University and then moved to Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics with a master degree in Natural Gas Chemical Engineering in 1996. After that, he moved to US and obtained his PhD in Bio-organic Chemistry with Professor Hung-Wen Liu (University of Texas at Austin) in 2001. Since 2001, he as a postdoc joined the group of Professor JoAnne Stubbe (MIT, Chemistry & Biology) to work on biosynthesis of biodegradable polymers and their regulation mechanism. In fall 2005, he started his independent research career at Boston University, and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2011. 

Due to such diverse training background, his research interest at the interface of synthetic organic chemistry, enzymology, bacterial genetics, molecular biology, and chemical biology. Over the years, Liu lab research have expanded from their strength on natural product biosynthetic studies to two new areas: epigenetic studies with focuses on ageing studies and neuroscience with the aim of studying the chemical mechanism of neuronal cell growth, differentiation, and synaptic functions. Most of his projects are a nice blending of basic research with clear translational goals.


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