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美国阿肯色大学 Nan Zheng 教授学术报告

应功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室邀请,美国阿肯色大学 Nan Zheng 教授来我校进行交流并做学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

报  告 人:Nan Zheng 教授

报告题目:Development of New Chemistries of Photogenerated Distonic Radical Cations: 

                 From Mechanistic Investigations to Synthetic Applications

报告时间:2018年06月06日(星期三)上午 10:00



Dr. Nan Zheng received his B.Sc. degree in Polymer Chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China in 1991. He then moved to the US to continue his M.S. studies at University of Rochester with Professor Richard H. Schlessinger. After 4 years working in industry at Merck & Co., Inc., he moved back to school in 1999 and began his doctoral studies at University of Michigan under the direction of Professor William R. Roush. Following postdoctoral studies with Professor Stephen L. Buchwald at Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, he joined the faculty at University of Arkansas in 2008, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014. 

The research in his group is focused on the development of green or environmental sustainable methods for amine synthesis. They are specifically interested in developing new reactions using environmentally friendly metals such as Fe and renewable sources such as air and sunlight. He has been awarded NSF Early Career Award (2013-2018), Outstanding Mentor Award (2011, 2013), Robert C. and Sandra Connor Endowed Faculty Fellowship (2010).


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